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Date: June 9
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Speaker: Tim McGinnis | Medical Business Manager
With the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s been renewed interest in ESCR (environmental stress cracking resistant) materials and antimicrobial additives for any durable plastic product. Once used only in clinical environments, today’s healthcare-grade chemical disinfectants, which kill viruses, bacteria and other microbes, are now being used pervasively on all types of plastic products, especially products and touch surfaces in public spaces. Unfortunately, these caustic chemical disinfectants attack molded-in stresses which result in cracking, crazing and premature product failure. There are also many questions regarding the available antimicrobial additives, their use, efficacy and associated marketing claims. In this session we will review critical material performance considerations, including ESCR by material type, and the different antimicrobial additive technologies which effectively kill microbes between cleanings and their compatibility with a variety of resins.
Date: June 17
Time: 11:00 AM EST
Speaker: Jim Johnson | Director, Commercial Plastics Technology
Introduction to Polymers is a general introduction to the basics of thermoplastics and their properties and is designed for people new to the plastics industry or those with limited technical understanding of thermoplastics. Topics covered include what is a thermoplastic; amorphous vs semi-crystalline; thermal properties; molecular weight and molecular weight distribution; chemical properties; and additives and reinforcements.
Date: June 23
Time: 10:00 AM EST
Speaker: Evan Willmann | Cleveland Research Company
Hosted By: Eric Parrell & Alex Lukshaitis | Entec Automotive Business Managers
Please join Entec Polymers as we invite all customers to review the status of the Automotive Market in the US and abroad. This comprehensive review of the Automotive industry will provide better insight into the future as we support the remainder of 2020 and beyond. Entec provides full service material support from design to production. We are better when we work together!
Date: July 2
Time: 11:00 AM EST
Speakers: Cody Lawrence & Ed Hindy | Packaging Business Managers
Additives used in flexible packaging add specific functions and value depending on many factors including processing performance of the polymers, the application and end market in which the packaging is designed for. This webinar will cover common additive technology and their functions for sheet and blown films used in flexible packaging.